Шил мэдрэгч

Ангилал: Шил мэдрэгч
Үйлдвэрлэгч: Pima
Үнэ: 22000 ₮

The Hunter-Pro Series offers a top-of-the line hardwire/hybrid security alarm system for residential and commercial properties. Featuring PIMA’s TopTrust technology, Hunter-Pro provides exceptional reliability, reducing the number of false alarms and minimizing maintenance costs.
Installers benefit from easy system setup via the optional ExpressMenu that provides intuitive, menu-driven system programming. For added convenience of the users, Hunter-Pro can be armed/disarmed remotely using PIMA’s smartphone app.
With a choice of multiple communication channels, including GSM/GPRS, SMS, TCP/IP, PSTN and long-range radio, Hunter-Pro can be integrated into virtually any existing infrastructure. The highly-versatile intruder alarm system can be expanded with wireless sensors, reaching a total of 144 security zones.

Key features:
• One-screen 12 Parameter Programming Bar for rapid setup and installation
• Multiple communication channels: GSM, GPRS, TCP/IP, SMS, and long-range radio 
• Menu-driven programming results in easy, fast installation
• TopTrust technology
• Digital PSTN dialer on board
• Optional network TCP/IP and GSM/GPRS modules
• GSM/GPRS: Voice & Data used as priority or as back-up
• Detailed SMS alarm notification over PSTN or GSM
• 7 to 63 output switches (fully programmable)
• On-line connection to monitoring station via secured and monitored TCP/IP channel
• Prevention of duplicate user code
• Continuous battery and telephone line testing
• CMS report on non-activity of panel (for senior citizens)
• Up to 16 partitions or 8 sub-systems
• Full and partial arming (home) modes
• Easy arming/disarming of system using keypads, key fob, proximity card (RFiD) or smartphone app 

One screen programming - PIMA developed a unique programming method in which multiple parameters are displayed as single screen sets where each letter or digit stands for a parameter. 
In these sets, (+) signifies the parameter is enabled; (-) signifies the parameter is disabled 
The parameter is changed by moving the cursor to the right or left, using the [NEXT]/[BACK] keys and [#].

Programming menu

Single status bar - The system zone status and warnings can be immediately identified in a single status bar.
The example below shows a 16 zone system. The lower line provides the zones' status; a grey square for "Open zone" (zone 2), a hyphen for "Closed zone" (zone 7 for instance). The A in zone 9 indicates there was an alarm event, zone 13 shows a Fault (marked as F) and zone 15 is bypassed (marked as B). 
The upper line provides information about the system: The A under the number 26 indicates that Auto-arming is set, the panel's battery is low and the time is currently 13:27.


ExpressMenu - The ExpressMenu guides the installer into a sequence of the most-used programming features thus saves time and prevents complications.

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